Based on the best-selling Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan: The Exhibition serves as a culmination of his master storytelling and artistic vision over the past decade. The exhibition will draw visitors into his visionary imagination and introduce his intricate worldbuilding and vivid characters.
Featuring over 150 artworks from Hajime Isayama’s archives, the exhibition showcases new works alongside drafts and sketches from his archives, ranging from the manga’s earliest days to the present. It also includes an immersive animated battle sequence set in The Great Titan Theatre as well as displays of Titans, characters, and objects from the manga.
The first iteration of Attack on Titan: The Exhibition was presented across Japan in 2014 and 2015. It has since been expanded to incorporate new artwork and content from the final chapters of the manga.
This presentation at ArtScience Museum also marks the overseas debut of the exhibition in its latest form and is divided into ten general zones.
Attack on Titan: The Exhibition is organised by SPACElogic, presented at ArtScience Museum and was held from 19 Feb to 9 Aug 2022.
Photos by ArtScience Museum MARINA BAY SANDS